Esther Horvath
Esther Horvath is a Fellow at International League of Conservation Photographers, iLCP, member of The Photo Society, member of The Explorers Club and science photographer for Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany. She was born in Hungary and received her masters in economics from West Hungarian University. Esther has received the Ranger Rick Photographer of the Year 2020 from National Wildlife Federation for advancing together the Ranger Rick magazine’s mission: to inspire a love and understanding of wildlife and the natural world in young children.
Since 2015, Esther has dedicated her photography to the polar regions, especially to the Arctic Ocean, documenting scientific expeditions and behind the scene science stories. She follows the work of multiple science groups that are working to better understand the changing polar regions. By documenting the work and life of scientists who deliver important data, Esther hopes to help make a difference in how people understand what actually is occurring, and in collaboration with scientists, help raise public awareness regarding these fragile environments.
Esther’s work has been featured in National Geographic, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, TIME, Audubon Magazine, GEO and Stern Magazine among others.